Here you can watch 'Sedevacantism in Three Minutes', a video which explains briefly and succintly the principles upon which our mission operates, namely that the Apostolic See is currently vacant.
In brief, owing to the substantial changes of Vatican II and the reforms associated with it, the Catholic Faith can no longer be found in our parishes.
You may have experienced it yourself: a heretical sermon, altar girls, Holy Communion being received in the hand and so on.
So we, wishing to remain faithful Catholics, have nothing whatsoever to do with the Modernists currently occupying the See of Rome and the other Sees in the world. We preserve traditional Catholic doctrine, discipline and worship.

We would like to welcome you to the Masses and events of our UK St Edmund's Mission, details of which can be found on this website.
You can also donate to this British mission through this website.
As faithful Roman Catholics, we refuse all compromise with the enemies of the Church: the Modernists. We are an uncompromising organisation dedicated to bringing the One True Faith back to the United Kingdom and Ireland - come what may.
As Pope St Pius X said:
'One of the primary obligations assigned by Christ to the office committed to Us of feeding the Lord’s flock is that of guarding with the greatest vigilance the Deposit of Faith delivered to the Saints, rejecting the profane novelties of words, and the gainsaying of knowledge falsely so-called…. We may no longer keep silent [against the Modernists], lest we should seem to fail in our essential duty.'
We are dedicated to the true Catholic way of life and seek to restore all things in Christ in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Q: What is sedevacantism?
A: Sedevacantism is the position of those Catholics who refuse to recognise Jorge Bergoglio as a true pope.
Q: Why does the St. Edmund Mission hold to the sedevacantist position?
A: The clergy and faithful of the St. Edmund Mission hold to the sedevacantist position owing to the substantial change in doctrine, discipline and liturgy caused by Vatican II and the reforms associated with it.
Q: What is wrong with Vatican II?
A: Vatican II taught doctrines which had been already condemned by the Church, and enacted disciplines which are contrary to the Church’s teaching and constant practice.
Q: What doctrines did it teach which were already condemned?
A: There are four major errors: (1) concerning the unity of the Church; (2) concerning ecumenism; (3) concerning religious liberty; (4) concerning collegiality. For more, click here.
Q: What is wrong with the New Mass and the liturgical reforms associated with it?
A: The liturgical changes of Vatican II reflect the doctrinal errors of the Council. The New Mass is an ecumenical liturgy, which seeks to erase distinctly Catholic doctrines and prayers from the Mass, in order to turn the Catholic liturgy into something palatable to Protestants. It is man-centred worship, stripped of distinctly Catholic prayers such as the Offertory, and was composed with the help of six Protestant ministers, showing the heretical and ecumenical spirit in which it was conceived and formulated.
Q: What is wrong with the disciplinary reforms that followed and are associated with Vatican II?
A: The 1983 Code of Canon Law allows for the reception of the Blessed Sacrament by non-Catholics, which is a mortal sin. Moreover, women are permitted to hold positions previously considered as minor orders, and are allowed to serve at the altar. Holy Communion is also permitted to be received in the hand, which is sacrilege.
Q: What does all of this mean?
A: Since the Catholic Church is both infallible and indefectible, it means that it is impossible that the men who promulgated these evil reforms and false teachings enjoy the Authority of Christ; in other words, they are false popes.
Q: What is the una cum Mass?
A: The una cum Mass is a Mass in which the name of Francis, who is a false pope, is inserted into the Canon of the Mass. It is offered by priests of the Novus Ordo, the FSSP/ICKSP, the SSPX and the so-called ‘Resistance’.
Q: What is wrong with the una cum Mass?
A: The una cum Mass is wrong because it proclaims Francis to be the Head of the Catholic Church and the religion which he teaches to be the Catholic Religion. But Francis, on the contrary, is a false pope who teaches a new and false religion. It is therefore a mortal sin to offer or to assist at an una cum Mass.
Q: Who offers Mass at the St. Edmund Mission? Are the Masses of the St. Edmund Mission una cum?
Priests of the Roman Catholic Institute and of the Institute of the Mother of Good Counsel offer Mass for the St. Edmund Mission, which is headed by Bishop Donald J. Sanborn of the Roman Catholic Institute. The Masses of the St. Edmund Mission are non-una cum, which means that the name of Francis is omitted from the Canon.
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