What is the Roman Catholic Institute?
The Roman Catholic Institute is an organisation of priests and seminarians the purpose of which is to make explicit the theological, liturgical, and pastoral principles which guide their actions.
What is the St Edmund Mission?
As the UK arm of the Roman Catholic Institute, we are tasked with bringing the Catholic Faith back to the United Kingdom and Ireland.
This is an audacious goal but with Grace and the patronage of St Edmund, who was Archbishop of Canterbury and known for his strict adherence to the Catholic Faith, we are confident that this can be done and we welcome your involvement. We are dedicated to bringing the Faith back to the United Kingdom and need you to join us.
Why was it necessary to found the Roman Catholic Institute?
The Roman Catholic Institute became necessary in order to ensure that the above mentioned principles do not pass away with the present generation, but that they are taught to the younger clergy and adhered to by them.
Aren't you just like the Society of St Pius X?
We absolutely reject this. The Catholic Hierarchy since the second Vatican Council have tried to impose false doctrine, evil disciplines and evil practices on the Church. Because of this, by Divine Law, they have lost their authority and are not true Catholic Popes. We await a True Catholic Pope.
The Society of St Pius X believe Francis to be Pope but ignore him if they decide they do not like his teaching and laws. As Pope Boniface VIII decreed, ' It is absolutely necessary for the salvation of men's souls that they submit to the Roman Pontiff.' The Catholic Church teaches If there is a true Pope on the throne, you don't negotiate with him - you submit or you go to hell.
Who heads the Roman Catholic Institute's British mission?
This mission is headed by the Bishop Donald J Sanborn and is organised in the United Kingdom by lay volunteers who help the Roman Catholic Institute bring the true Catholic Faith to the people. It is also generously supported by priests from Istituto Mater Boni Consilii (IMBC)
Why don't you have more Masses available for us?
From small acorns, large oak trees grow.
Yes, at the moment Mass is once per month and we readily agree that this needs increasing. We are actively working to grow the mission and increase the frequency of Masses and access to the Sacraments. If more people attend and donate to us, we will be able to increase that sooner. Eventually, we will have a priest here in the UK. We are a not-for-profit organisation currently applying to the UK Charities Commission.
If you have any other questions simply email hello@romancatholicinstitute.co.uk
or call 07376 676 582